Curriculum Vitae
This page is about my career. You can see my interests, work experiences, and skill. You can also find a summary of all of this in the PDF version of my CV.
Hello everyone! I am a researcher - with strong background on data analysis - transitioning to industry. Give a look at my notion page at to :   Curriculum Vitae (PDF) |   Contacts |   Work Experience |   Skill |   Pubblication |   Mention |   Conferences & school |   Interests

-   - cremonesep25 [at]
-   - in/paolo-cremonese
-   - PaoloCremo
-   - @paul_crem
Work experience

2022-2024 University of Balearic Islands Postdoctoral researcher on Gravitational Waves

2018 DBA group Interniship as data scientist
Research interests
- Machine Learning
- Data Analysis
- Finances & Investments
- Gravitational Waves
#personalfinance #appdevelop #sideprojects
I am developing a mobile application to keep track of personal finance. This project involves the creation of a dedicated Python package designed to efficiently track expenses and investments. It will be openly accessible on my github page in the near future. Along with it, I am having fun coding and will soon upload a package to control Spotify custom playlists (on GitHub @ PaoloCremo/spotify) and a bot to get daily new papers from ArXiv based on user-defined topics (on GitHub @ PaoloCremo/paperbot).
I designed and coded my own website (this one!), where I keep my info, thoughts and different things (on GitHub @ PaoloCremo/
- I developed tools to analyse Gravitational Waves data, focusing on finding events that are bent and/or magnified by massive objects (i.e. lensing).
- I studied degeneracies in the parameters of lensed gravitational waves events
- I worked on a project to organise and automate the process of detecting these lensed events more efficiently.
- I coded a pipeline to create setup files - for cluster computing - for bayesian parameter estimation of gravitational waves signals from google sheet table (on GitHub @ PaoloCremo/runtomation).
- Python - pandas, numpy, matplotlib, tensorflow, scikit-learn
- Latex
- Git/GitHub/GitLab
- Slurm/HTCondor
- MacOS
- Apple Keynotes
- Linux
- Mathematica
- C
Invariance transformations in wave-optics lensing: implications for gravitational-wave astrophysics and cosmology - arXiv:2408.03856, A. Chen, P. C., J. M. Ezquiaga and D. Keitel - submitted to PRD
Follow-up Analyses to the O3 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Lensing Searches - arXiv:2306.03827, J. Janquart, M. Wrigth, S. Goyal et al. - as contributor - published in MNRAS 526 (2023) 3, 3832-3860
Characteristic features of Gravitational Wave lensing as probe of lens mass model - arXiv:2111.01163, with D.F. Mota and V. Salzano - published in Annalen Phys. 535 (2023) 6, 2300040
Breaking the mass-sheet degeneracy with gravitational wave interference in lensed events - arXiv:2104.07055, with J.M. Ezquiaga and V. Salzano - published in Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 2, 023503
High accuracy on H₀ measurements from gravitational wave lensing events - arXiv:1911.11786, with V. Salzano - published in Phys.Dark Univ. 28 (2020) 100517
The lensing time delay between gravitational and electromagnetic waves - arXiv:1808.05886, with E. Mörtsell - a reviewed copy of the master thesis work.
Dr. S. Vagnozzi, in his weekly blog about new interesting article in ArXiv, published a summary of my third paper - arXiv:2104.07055
Astrobites, the astrophysical literature journal published an article about my second paper - arXiv:1911.11786
Conferences & doctoral school
Talks & poster
- NBI - Strong Group seminars Copenhagen, Denmark Dicember 07, 2023 Talk given titled "Mass-Sheet Degeneracy in Gravitational Wave Lensing"
- LVK meeting Toyama, Japan September 11-15, 2023 Poster presented titled "Mass-Sheet degeneracy in Gravitational Wave Lensing"
- UBC - Gravity Seminar Vancouver, Canada September 07, 2023 Talk given titled "Wave Optics in Gravitational Wave Lensing"
- UIB Relativity and Gravitation group Seminar Palma, Spain November 05, 2021 Talk given titled "Wave-optics in Gravitational Waves lensed events"
- GWverse global meeting in Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal August 30 - September 3, 2021 Talk given based on arXiv:2104.07055
- Gravitex 2021 online August 9-12, 2021 Talk given based on arXiv:2104.07055
- Cosmo '21 online August 2-6, 2021 Poster presented based on arXiv:2104.07055
- Amaldi 14 online July 19-23, 2021 Poster presented based on arXiv:2104.07055
- Cosmology from Home online July 5-16, 2021 Talk given based on arXiv:2104.07055
- Ibericos 2021 online March 29-April 1, 2021 Talk given based on arXiv:2104.07055
- Cosmic controversies The University of Chicago, USA 5-8 October, 2019 Poster presented based on arXiv:1911.11786
- The 6th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity Szczecin University, Poland 23-26 September, 2019 Mermber of organizing commitee
- LVK meeting online 13-16 March, 2023
- 12th Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting online 6-8 June, 2022
- The 16th Iberian Cosmology Meeting online 4-6 May, 2022
- XIV Tonale Winter School on Cosmology Passo del Tonale, Italy 5-10 December, 2021
- 4th Azores school on Observational Cosmology Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal September 6-12, 2021
- AlteCosmoFun '21 online September 6-10, 2021
- GW Open Data Workshop #4 LIGO - Virgo collaboration online May 10-14, 2021
- 11th Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting online June 9-11, 2021
- Workshop on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics for Early Career Scientists online May 3-7, 2021
- First EuCAPT Annual Symposium online May 5-7, 2021
- Current challenges in gravitational physics online April 21-28, 2021
- IPARCOS School on Gravitational Waves Universidad Compultense de Madrid, Spain 18-20 December, 2019
- XIII Tonale Winter School on Cosmology Passo del Tonale, Italy 9-13 December, 2019
Research visits
- visit to D. Keitel @Universitat de les Illes Balears 03/11-01/12/2021 GW lensing data analysis
- visited D. Mota @University of Oslo 08-15/03/2020 modeling lenses in the contex of GW lensed events

2018-2022 Szczecin University Ph.D. in cosmology Advisor: V. Salzano & M. P. Dąbrowski

2015-2017 Università degli studi di Padova & Stockholm University M.Sc. in Astronomy Advisors: E. Mörtsell & S. Matarrese Thesis: Delay in arrival time between Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic signal due to Gravitational Lensing

2016-2017 Stockholm University Erasmus

2011-2015 Università degli studi di Padova B.Sc. in Astronomy Advisor: A. Pizzella Thesis: Dark matter in spiral galaxies
- Travelling: discover and live new cultures and coutries is for sure one of my goal for the present and the future
- Technologies: I am interested in all technogies regarding both my field of study and not. I try to keep informed on this topic as much as I can. I like very much programming and getting to know the newest AI advancements and possibilities
- Data Analysis : besides my academic work, I like to study and be informed about machine learning and data science in general
- Investments & Finance: Well, everyone should care about money, they are important to live well. Personally, I got fascinated by all this world since I started studying it and I would love to find a living in this sector. It seems to be very impactful and fun
- Sports: I played football (soccer) for many years in a team, and I still play it sometimes. I also love lots of other sport and physical activities. I run my first half marathon in October 2023 and I am always training to run more
- Books: reading has always been vital to me. To learn always new stuff and plunge into books is my thing
- Piano: I took piano lessons for several years, since I was a kid, and it is still a special thing for me